Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chaos Warrior - almost finished

I did some more work on the Chaos Warrior mini. It's almost done asside from some small details. But I think that overal it's pretty decent.

I've recently begun palying with some dislpay bases as well so I've decided to make one for the Chaos Warrior. I'm still mad at myself that I didn't made any decent photos of the base being build (or even a base without the mini). But I promise to make a short tutorial on making a display base like this in the near future.

If anyone is out there... let me know what you think! :)

Chaos Warrior (work in progress)

So just to kill some time and test some new paints I decided to paint an ordinary Chaos Warrior.

I used some new Reaper and Vallejo paints on the armour. I used Liquitex Glazing medium to add more highlights to the areas reciving more light. I like how it looks so far.

I've added more colors to the mini. I wanted to achieve some king of contrast with the red part of the cape.

The cape itself was very fun to paint. I'm pretty satisfied with it, although I think I will need to work on the fur some more.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

My first post???

Wow I can't belive that this looks like my first post. I can't even remember when or why I set up this account. It probably had something to do with my hobby. I always wanted to make a proper website but I've never been good with technical stuff, and to be honest didn't wanted to ask my younger brother (who is a computer genius) for help.

So... what this blog is about???

- Painting miniatures
- Scratchbuiling
- Making terrain and dioramas
and whenever I can, making tutorials.

This blog will probably drown in a see of other more interesting blogs on the same subject. It might never be seen by another human being other than couple of my friends. But I hope that someone might find it interesting enough to drop a line or two and let me know that alone in the vast see of interwebs...

That is it for my first post. I will try to update it whenever I have something interesting to show, but if I were you, I wouldn't count on regular updates.
