Sunday, May 15, 2011

My first post???

Wow I can't belive that this looks like my first post. I can't even remember when or why I set up this account. It probably had something to do with my hobby. I always wanted to make a proper website but I've never been good with technical stuff, and to be honest didn't wanted to ask my younger brother (who is a computer genius) for help.

So... what this blog is about???

- Painting miniatures
- Scratchbuiling
- Making terrain and dioramas
and whenever I can, making tutorials.

This blog will probably drown in a see of other more interesting blogs on the same subject. It might never be seen by another human being other than couple of my friends. But I hope that someone might find it interesting enough to drop a line or two and let me know that alone in the vast see of interwebs...

That is it for my first post. I will try to update it whenever I have something interesting to show, but if I were you, I wouldn't count on regular updates.


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